
A cost-effective antifouling with unmatched mechanical strength for long-term fleet efficiency

Oceanic+ is our classic 60-month antifouling solution

Built on proven zinc carboxylate technology, Oceanic+ is a relatively inexpensive antifouling solution for up to 60-month docking intervals, making it ideal if you are looking for a reasonably priced product but don’t want to compromise on quality.

It offers high reliability throughout the service period and multiple polishing rates, making it ideal for different vessels and all water types.

Easy application and long-term performance

With excellent application properties, Oceanic+ can be applied quickly and affordably to bring down your initial investment. It is reinforced with microfibre technology to increase mechanical strength and uses synthetic rosin to better control self-polishing rates – so you get reliable long-term fouling control and fuel savings across the entire docking interval.

How does Oceanic+ work?

The main binder component, zinc carboxylate, goes through an ion-exchange process when immersed in seawater and forms the more soluble sodium carboxylate. This gives excellent polishing control compared to coatings based on gum rosin.

With synthetic rosin technology and microfibre reinforcement, Oceanic+ is an excellent cost-efficient solution that offers you excellent performance and top-of-the-line mechanical strength.

The Oceanic+ product range

  • OCEANIC+ 73900
  • OCEANIC+ 73950