مركز الموارد

كتيبات نُظم كفاءة هياكل السفن ومراوح الدفع من همبل (SHAPE)

Performance monitoring and ISO 19030
The 3:1 relationship between Power increase and Speed loss
Which SHAPE offer fits your fleet? Find out our four services
Ship performance monitoring equipment and services leaflet
Maximize Fuel efficiency with Hempel SHAPE


Hempaguard MaX, the new peak for efficiency
Globic 9500S leaflet
Globic 9500M leaflet
Coastal vessels - Fast, simple and effective coating solutions
Trusted coating for an efficient fishing fleet
Unparallel low friction, abrasion and ice resistant coatings
Fouling Control Products/Technologies
Cargo Hold coatings
Hempadur Quattro XO
Hempadur EM 35740 leaflet

قصص الحالات

Neptune Lines switches more vessels to Hempaguard
X7 ensures fast turnaround for Sanco Sky after 18month idle
Application of HEMPAGUARD X7 on Vision of the Seas
Significant fuel savings achieved for Caroil Transport Marine
Muelhan's applicators work round the clock with Quattro XO
Ultra Deep Solutions chooses our antifouling and Hempaguard
Hempaguard® delivers fuel savings for U.N Ro-Ro
Euronav chooses Hempaguard after impressive results
Hull performance data gives Euronav accurate ROI info
Fionia Swan achieves 4-5 percent in fuel savings with Hempaguard
Grimaldi achieves significant fuel savings
Hyundai General returns for even greater fuel savings

مقالات إعلاميّة

Protecting your assets in challenging environments
Keeping a clean coat
Efficiency at the Forefront in the New Operational “Norm”
Transparency is key to operational efficiency
The Red Queen-insights on vessel efficiency

أوراق فنيّة

Actiguard Technology
Hempaguard technical paper

بطاقة الألوان وأداة تحويل الألوان

Colour card
Colour converter