Hempablade Putty 111


Hempablade Putty 111 is a fast-curing, solvent-free and light-weight 2-component polyurethane putty that can be used to form edge profiles and fill defects on the surface of a wind turbine blade prior application of the finishing coatings or leading edge protection (LEP). It offers a combination of a good mechanical properties with easy application and high-build capabilities.
  • Aanbevolen gebruik

    Hempablade Putty 111 is specifically designed as geometry filler for wind turbine blades. The primary application areas for the filler are the leading and trailing edges of the blade, although the filler may also be applied to other areas of the blade surface as required.

Nieuwe REACH-beperking voor diisocyanaten in Europa

Op 24 augustus 2023 wordt een nieuwe EU-verordening 2020/1149 van kracht. Lees hier meer over de nieuwe REACH-verordening over diisocyanaten