
Hempel launches highly efficient and versatile antifouling coating

Today, leading global coatings manufacturer Hempel is launching Globic 7000, a new antifouling coating with enhanced operational flexibility for all vessel types and a speed loss* of 4.5 per cent, on average (according to ISO 19030). This contributes to significant fuel cost savings, and a reduction in associated emissions, for owners and operators.

Specifically designed to deliver effective protection for up to 60 months, Globic 7000 incorporates an optimum biocide mix to guard against both hard and soft fouling. With an improved performance against slime and algae, Globic 7000 is suitable for wide operational conditions including slow steaming and long idle periods.

Globic 7000 is built on Hempel’s proven Globic technology that has been applied to more than 10,000 vessels since its launch in 2002, ensuring uniform and effective biocide release and a clean hull over the entire dry-docking interval.

Commenting on the launch of the new hull coating, Davide Ippolito, Head of Marine Group Product Management, Hempel A/S said:

“Our Globic range is one of our most successful as they offer an excellent return on investment. Globic 7000, our latest addition, has been designed to offer customers full operational flexibility. In support of the industry’s current move towards slow steaming operations this new coating delivers significant fuel savings and exceptional protection for up to 60 months, for all vessel types and a wide range of operational conditions. The high-volume solids in the coating mean that it can be applied more quickly to deliver further cost reductions whilst the vessel is in dry dock.”

Hempel’s patented Nano acrylate technology is the strength behind the Globic range and provides a fine polishing control mechanism to bring the integral biocides to the surface at a stable rate to ensure a clean hull over the entire service life period.

Globic’s unique technology allows the coating to start working as soon as the hull meets the water to deliver full and immediate antifouling protection.

Globic 7000 incorporates Hempel’s patented microfibres giving the coating best-in-class mechanical strength. The microfibres increase the coating’s resistance to abrasion and impact damage often incurred during daily operations and protects against cracking and peeling. This strengthening of the coating minimises the area required for blasting and so significantly reduces maintenance costs during dry docking.

  • Performance is quantified in terms of speed loss (ISO 19030), which is the difference in speed compared to the reference speed divided by the reference speed as a percentage.
  • The greater the speed loss, the more power and consequently fuel is required to move the vessel through the water.

Globic 7000 at a glance

  • Lasting protection against both hard and soft fouling thanks to smart and efficient biocide package
  • Suitable for all vessel types and wide operational conditions, including slow steaming and long idle periods
  • Incorporates proven patented Nano acrylate technology
  • Effective protection for up to 60 months' service time
  • Improved colour stability
  • Low Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) levels – below 400g/L
  • Reinforced with patented microfibres for best-in-class mechanical strength to avoid cracking and peeling, significantly reducing maintenance costs in dry dock

About Hempel

As a world-leading supplier of trusted coating solutions, Hempel is a global company with strong values, working with customers in the decorative, marine, infrastructure and energy industries. Hempel factories, R&D centres and stock points are established in every region.

Across the globe, Hempel’s paints and coatings can be found in almost every country of the world. They protect and beautify buildings, infrastructure and other assets, and play an essential role in our customers’ businesses. They help minimise maintenance costs, improve aesthetics and increase energy efficiency.

At Hempel, our purpose is to shape a brighter future with sustainable coating solutions. We firmly believe that we will succeed as a business only if we place sustainability at our heart. Not only is it the right thing to do, it will strengthen our competitive position, make ourselves more resilient and reduce our risk.

Hempel was founded in Copenhagen, Denmark in 1915. It is majority owned by the Hempel Foundation, which ensures a solid economic base for the Hempel Group and supports cultural, social, humanitarian and scientific purposes around the world.